We need original, daring fiction. A lot of great books come out of bigger publishers, but there are experimental/challenging voices which just don’t fit into the mainstream. Some of the most exciting fiction I read is published by smaller, independent presses like Galley Beggar, Pushkin, And Other Stories or Peirene Press. I’m excited to hear that a new press is soon opening called Dodo Ink. It has a fantastic team of enthusiastic readers behind it. They’ve already discovered some powerful manuscripts to launch as their first titles. I know because I’ve read extracts from these on their website. They need support in getting this press launched. I really believe in it and have made my pledge. I hope you will as well by clicking on this link and reading about how passionate they are: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1528815432/the-grand-dodo-ink-kickstarter
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